Sacramento Optometrists Shares Safe Toys & Celebrations Monthbag-21467_1280.jpg

While safety is at the top of every parent's mind throughout the year, eye safety, in particular, may not make one's top ten concerns during the holidays. However, with the activity and chaos of the holiday season into this New Year, parents should stop and re-evaluate the toys they give to their own children and others this year.

Gifts that Pose a Danger for Eye-Related Injuries

December is American Academy of Ophthalmology's Safe Toys and Celebrations Month- with the New Year approaching; it’s good to know some facts. Nearly 1 in every 10 children's eye injuries that result in emergency care is sustained due to misuse of a children's toy. These toys top the list when it comes to causing eye injuries during the holidays:

  • Any projectile shooting toy. You may think that a soft foam dart or a bottle of silly string is harmless, but in reality, they can cause corneal abrasions or other eye trauma.  
  • BB Guns. Still a projectile shooting toy, these are obviously higher on the danger list. BBs are small, round balls that shoot at a fairly high velocity.  Shot at close range, BBs can penetrate the skin and can cause significant eye damage that could result in a permanent loss of vision. 
  • Toys that have a wand or attachment. Popular toys like magic wands or fishing poles (real or play) can also cause damage. Kids tend to swing these toys around and sometimes make contact with their own or another's eye. At best, the child sustains a black eye. At worst, an injury to the eye itself.

Additionally, children aren't the only ones who are at risk for an eye injury in December. As we turn our attention toward New Year's and all of its wonderful celebrations, adults should also consider eye safety when uncorking the traditional bottle of champagne. Traveling at over 50 mph, a champagne cork can shatter glass. Not surprising it can cause serious injury leading to a permanent loss of vision in your or your holiday guests. The Academy recommends that the bottle is chilled in advance of opening and that you avoid shaking the bottle to increase pressure. Use a towel to cover the top of the bottle and prevent the cork from launching upon opening.

When Should You Seek Treatment for an Eye Injury?

An eye injury can range from a corneal abrasion which causes minor discomfort to corneal ulcers, retinal detachments, and traumatic cataracts that endanger a person's vision. If any member of your family sustains an eye injury during the holidays, contact our office immediately.  We can assess the injury, provide advice and treatment, and if necessary, refer you to one of our area ophthalmologists or urgent care centers for treatment.  Our Sacramento Optometrists, Dr. Krister Holmberg & Dr. Shephali Patel,  at Arena Eye Care are offering a new patient special, where new patients receive 15 percent off their first visit. Come see us!

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