Dry Eye Treatment

When your eyes do not tear up enough, they become dry and irritated. Dry eyes often become extremely uncomfortable with a scratchy, swollen, or itchy feel to them. Many adults now spend several hours each day at a computer, and so do many younger children. Extended periods outdoors, in bright sunlight, or even in an air-conditioned room can cause your eyes to become dry and feel swollen and uncomfortable.

Woman putting eye drops

Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento provides professional dry eye treatment. We can examine your eyes, learn more about the situations in which you experience the discomfort of dry eyes, and help you to better control and correct the situation.

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes often are a naturally occurring condition that can be due to many causes. If you are like a growing number of people who use a computer to do your job, then you likely have experienced dry eyes many times and will continue to do so. Long periods spent gazing at a computer screen and the accompanying blue light can take a toll on your eyes and leave them dried out and highly irritated.

The most obvious signs that you are suffering from a dry eye condition are your dry and tired eyes themselves. When they feel swollen, scratchy, sore, and irritated, your vision can become blurry. During the nighttime, you will find driving more difficult with lights distorted and having more trouble focusing on the roadway. Whenever your eyes become tired and blurry, your vision suffers along with your comfort.

Many Cures for Dry Eyes

As we age, our eyes become less capable of producing viable tears to keep your eyes moistened and comfortable. An optometry exam can help to determine the extent of any aging-related conditions leading to the onset of dry eyes. In many cases, the solution is as simple as prescribing some medicated eye drops to relieve your eyes and help maintain comfort.

Protective lenses can help to reduce irritation from UV rays and wind while outdoors. Some worst-case scenarios might require mild surgical procedures to provide more effective natural tear production to soothe died out and sore eyes.

Call Arena Eye Care Today!

If you or someone you know is suffering from dry eyes, we can help. Call us at (916) 419-8167 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Krister L Holmberg or Dr. Shephali Patel. Alternatively, you can use our online scheduling tool to choose a day and time to get your eyes checked and obtain relief. Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento is open five days a week and has a highly experienced and professional staff to help you and your family get their best possible vision and maintain it through life.

Hours of Operaton

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


9:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


9:00 AM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM





9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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