Macular degeneration is an eye condition that damages your vision. That's why it's essential to be tested for macular degeneration during an annual eye exam to treat the condition as quickly as possible. At Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento, our eye doctors can detect macular degeneration and provide treatment options to slow the progression of the disease. Here are some of the frequently asked questions we receive about macular degeneration.

What Is Macular Degeneration?

The macula is the center portion of the retina that becomes damaged with this condition. This area is in charge of your central vision. When it begins to deteriorate, central vision becomes affected. This is because the retina, or the back layer inside the eye, takes what you see and sends it through the optic nerve right from the eye directly to the brain. When this is affected, the images seen may not make it to the brain properly. 

What Are the Different Types of Macular Degeneration?

Regardless of what type it is, macular degeneration worsens over time. One of the most common types is dry macular degeneration. This occurs when the macula thins and clumps of protein called drusen cloud the area. Wet macular degeneration is more dangerous. This occurs when new blood vessels grow under the retina. These blood vessels can leak and affect the macula. This version of macular degeneration damages a person's vision faster.

What Are the Risk Factors of Macular Degeneration?

While a number of things can cause macular degeneration, the main one is aging. As people get older, the macula will begin to deteriorate. If you have a family history of this eye disease, you are more likely to develop macular degeneration. It is also more common among Caucasian patients. Smoking doubles your risk of developing the condition.  

How Can an Eye Doctor Help?

Routine eye exams are vital for preventing macular degeneration from developing or worsening. Our eye doctors can detect the condition early. While there is no cure for it, there are treatment options to slow its progression.

Treatment in the early stages of macular degeneration may include vitamins or nutritional supplements. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can also slow the progression of the disease. For wet macular degeneration, you may need medicine or laser therapy. Our eye doctors will guide you on treatment and answer any questions you have.

Visit Us for Quality Eye Care from Our Optometrists in Sacramento, CA

Getting routine eye exams is vital for detecting macular degeneration. That's why our team at Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento is ready to help. We are dedicated to providing our patients the care they need to maintain their vision and eye health. Contact us today to schedule your next eye exam or to learn more about how we can help. 

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