Viewing 1 - 10 out of 61 posts


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What is Myopia Control

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a prevalent vision condition that causes blurry distance vision. It occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back, leading light rays Read More

Overnight Contacts to Correct Myopia

For parents of children with myopia (nearsightedness), slowing the progression of vision loss can be a major concern. Thankfully, revolutionary overnight contact lenses provide myopia control without resorting to surgery Read More

How To Choose An Eye Doctor

There are many reasons why people visit the eye doctor. For some, it might be an issue with their vision, while others might experience eye irritation that causes them to Read More

What Does 20/20 Vision Actually Mean?

Many people have heard of 20/20 vision at some point in their lives. While you may recognize that 20/20 vision is good, did you know this score only tells part Read More

Tips To Protect Your Vision

We only get one set of eyes, so protecting our vision should be a top priority. While regular visits to your eye doctor near you can help catch and treat Read More

Signs of Computer Vision

Signs of Computer Vision Computer vision occurs when we spend long hours in front of our desktops or laptops, which can result in dry eyes or blurry vision. At Arena Eye Read More

Best Practices for Computer Vision

Best Practices for Computer Vision Having computer vision syndrome can make it difficult to work or browse on the computer. The good news is you can manage this problem by practicing Read More

Technology and Your Eye Health

Technology and Your Eye Health Technology has changed the world and our daily lives, from how we interact, work, live and more. That has also resulted in many people today spending Read More

Choosing The Right Glasses

Choosing the Right Eyeglasses Finding the perfect eyeglasses involves considering lens options, frame size and shape, and expert guidance from an experienced optician or optometrist. The eye care professionals at Arena Read More

Orthokeratology FAQs

Orthokeratology FAQs If you have astigmatism or myopia, you may find orthokeratology (aka Ortho-K) beneficial. At Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento, CA, we provide Ortho-K lenses to help you see Read More

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