Pink Eye Treatment By Your Optometrist in Sacramento

Pink eye is a condition that is very common in daycares and elementary schools. The bacteria or virus that causes this condition is highly contagious. While children are affected more than any other age group, due to the frequency in which they touch items and then rub their eyes, they are not the only group of people who can get pink eye.

If your eyes or your child's eyes are red, irritated, and itchy or you are waking up with eye gunk outside of your eye, you may suspect pink eye. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions you may have about this condition and the answers.

boy has a pink eye in Sacramento, CA

What is Pink Eye?

Pink eye, medically known as conjunctivitis, is an infection that is most commonly caused by viruses or bacteria. The germs are highly contagious and spread fairly easily. If someone who is infected rubs or touches their eyes and then touches something, someone else who touches that same item and then rubs their eyes can become infected. If you are suffering from pink eye, you may have many symptoms. Some of the most common include eye irritation, redness in the eyes, swelling and even gunk building up outside of the eye.

How is Pink Eye Diagnosed?

Unfortunately, many eye conditions have the same or similar symptoms. If you are experiencing eye irritation, redness in the eyes, or swelling in and around the eye, you may have a number of conditions, including eye irritation, eye infections, eye allergies, an eye hemorrhage, eye inflammation or even a scratched eye. As such, it is important that you allow us to see and examine your eye to determine if you are suffering from a pink eye or some other condition.

In most cases, a doctor can determine if you have pink eye based on your symptoms and an eye examination. But in some cases, fluid or build up around the eye may need to be swabbed and sent to a lab for a positive diagnosis.

How is Pink Eye Treated?

In some cases, pink eye will clear up on its own without intervention. Using clean, dampened wash clothes to lay on the eyes and over-the-counter eye drops can help to ease the symptoms. In other cases, antibiotic eye drops or medications may be needed for more stubborn or severe cases of pink eye.

Get Pink Eye Treatment with Our Sacramento Optometrist

Do you need pink eye treatment in Sacramento? Then turn to Arena Eye Care Optometry. Our friendly and professional staff members can help to determine if you are suffering from pink eye and then treat it, helping to relieve your symptoms. If you are suffering from pink eye symptoms, call us at (916) 419-8167 to schedule an appointment to be seen today.

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